Tuesday, October 2, 2007

HW14 Response to Denton's Interview

In short, after reading the Nick Denton interview, it makes more sense now that blogs aren’t really going to take over the media in the sense of providing new information or information that people can’t get from the media. Actually, it’s going to just take what is reported in the media and show what is more important than the other stories that have been reported on. As a result, the media won’t really become something to not trust, but it will be a place where the real information is kept, blogs will just be a place to show what “should” be on the front page of a newspaper or magazine. Also blogs tend to not have the resources that news media has. For example if someone writing a blog wanted to report on news in Baghdad, he or she wouldn’t really have the resources to do so, but the news media would be able to send a journalist there to get all the information they need right from the source.

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